Rabu, 09 Juni 2010


You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: hey
Stranger: Hi asl plz?
You: hey
You: 14 f indonesia
You: you?
Stranger: 18 England m
You: cool
Stranger: Lol how are you little girl?
You: boreeeeeeeeeeed
You: yooouuuuuuu
Stranger: Sameeeeeee
Stranger: Lol
You: haha whats ur name?
Stranger: My name is >>>unknown
You: haha lol
Stranger: Wbu?
You: my name is>>>stranger~~
Stranger: Lol ok stranger you are in danger lol
You: oh im scary 0.0
Stranger: Wooooooo the ghost is coming look behind youuuuuu lol
You: oh nooooooooooo i will hide lol
Stranger: Hide under your bed lol
You: oke will go there haha
Stranger: Ok go there now!!!
You: oh no its too small i cant go there lmao
Stranger: Oh lol is it like one of those beds with a very small gap?
You: yaaaaaaa
Stranger: Well hide under your bed covers
You: ok
Stranger: Lol
You: whwere is the ghost? lol
Stranger: I don't know lol it's gone in your bed lol
You: oh my god i will hide on my cupboard lol
Stranger: Lol you won't fit you are too fat haha
You: ok i will jogging before haha
Stranger: Haha jog for a few years then try to hide in the cupboard lol
You: haha i will buy a big very very big cupboard
Stranger: Lol they have no cupboard that can fit you inside lol you can't even fit inside your house lol
You: ok i will go to the field haha lol
Stranger: Haha then the ghost will get you because the field is big and there is no where too hide!
You: i will hide behind the trees haha
Stranger: Lol I knew your gonna say that but like I said before you are too fat everyone can see you behind the tree lol
You: you can read my mind hahaha
Stranger: Haha I am phsycic
You: haha cool can you expel the ghost? haha
Stranger: No lol the ghost will come back at night time but I will expel it for now lol
You: haha youre so funny
Stranger: Lol I used to be scared of ghosts and sometimes still am when it's nightime lol
Stranger: Sometimes I had to leave my light on because am scared
You: hahaha lol sometimes when i want to go to sleep i ask to my lil brother to accompany me haha
Stranger: Wow how long does he stay there?
Stranger: Because I can't sleep if someone else is in the room or when someone is watching me
You: until morning because he sleep beside me haha
Stranger: Oh lol how old is he?
You: 7 years old haha
Stranger: Oh lol when I was small I used to sleep with my mum most of the time also sometime with my sister
You: haha hey do you have msn?
Stranger: I have skype
You: im forgot with my skype password~~~
Stranger: Well I have email adress
You: ok what?
Stranger: Golden_boy1992@live.com
You: ookkkkkkkkkkkk
Stranger: Lol I must go to sleep it's is very late and I feel tired :)
You: okkkkkkk
Stranger: Bye ;)

Your conversational partner has disconnected.